Friday, July 25, 2008

Tips to Prevent Kidney Stones with Foods

If you don't drink enough fluids, but eat a lot of high oxalate foods, you might have kidney stones. To avoid kidney stones forming , best advice is to maintain a high fluid intake, aiming for half water, with a goal of keeping very little color to the urine.

To Avoid forming of kidney stone: Here is Some tips;

Food help to prevent kidney stones:
1. Water
For healthy person, drink at least 8 ounce of water a day to avoid urine becoming too concentrate and leading to crystals. Too many crystals can lead to stone formation.

2. Coffee
Coffee like alcohol, caffeine waters down your urine and makes you go to the bathroom more often. That gives kidney stone little chance to develop.

3. Lemonade
this refreshing beverage contains a lot of citric acid, it stops calcium base stone from forming, one common causes of kidney stone is lack of citrate in the urine.
4. Try supplements
you can also try probiotic supplements, such as acidophilus or lactobacillus. These little capsules contain millions of good bacteria that can help restore balance of your gut and reducing the risk of formation of kidney stone.

Foods to avoid, because they increase your risk for kidney stones:
1. Grapefruit juice
Grape juice increase your body's absorption of oxalate from other foods caused formation of kidney stones.

2. Meat
protein intake increases urinary uric acid, which can increase kidney stone

3. Salt
The calcium in salt caused kidney stone if eating together with high oxalate foods.
Click Here for The Kidney Stone Removal Report
Click here for Curing And Preventing Kidney Stones.

If you need more information of this subject, please visit:

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